Off season, pre-season, build, peak, taper, race. Athletes train and work hard for months,
sometimes years to prepare for a race.
Especially an “A” (most important) race. Most athletes also have “B” and/or “C” races
on their calendars. These are generally
considered less significant than the “A” race, and are sometimes used as
“back-up” races. Someone looking for a Boston
qualifier, for example, might plan a spring and a fall marathon, in order to
have 2 chances to achieve a qualifying time.
This can put less mental stress on the athlete, which can actually have
a positive training effect. “B” and “C”
races are also helpful as training races for a longer event. An early spring sprint tri, as a brush-up for
a longer summer triathlon, a half-marathon a few months out from a marathon,
for example. Practicing racing strategy,
nutrition, pacing, transitions (in triathlon) are all good ideas before an “A”
race. However, both the coach and the
athlete need to make sure there aren’t too many races on the calendar. Too many hard efforts, too close together,
with too little recovery in between can leave the athlete mentally and
physically fatigued, which will hinder further gains in training. It is important in training and racing to
make sure there is adequate recovery time between hard efforts. Adequate recovery time could be weeks (for
long distance races) or just one or two
days (after a hard training workout/ effort).
Heart rate (resting, during workouts, and post-workout), rate of
perceived exertion of workouts, and mental and physical well-being should
monitored and taken into account. The
importance of enough recovery between hard training efforts and races cannot be
overemphasized. When an athlete pushes
too hard without giving their body time to heal and adjust to the stresses put
on it, they are putting themselves at risk for overtraining, which can lead to
injury. Overtraining is a serious problem. Recovery from overtraining/overracing takes time away from what should be valuable
training. Racing can be just as much
mental as it is physical. An athlete who
competes too much is at risk not only of physical injury, but of mental race
“burnout.” Mental burnout feels
different for everybody, but generally is a feeling of disinterest in racing,
not caring about the outcome, or even can manifest in an over-interest in
outcome. Worrying too much can be a
Athletes work hard to be able to race, and they do it for a
variety of reasons. As training for a
longer race (as mentioned above), for competition (relative to themselves, or
competitors), for a specific distance or time goal, for a new experience, or
just because they find racing to be enjoyable and exciting. How do you find the balance between racing
for PRs, racing for fun, and racing as training? The athlete and the coach must have a good
relationship (feel comfortable communicating) and the athlete must be willing
to communicate how they are feeling both mentally and physically. How many races an athlete can compete in
depends on the distance of the race, the physical conditioning of the athlete, and
the level of intensity of racing. A
runner may be able to intensely race a 5k once or twice a month, but racing hard
(going for a specific time or PR) in a long distance such as a marathon is
generally better left to twice a year. A
triathlete might be physically and mentally capable of racing multiple shorter
distances throughout the year, but intensely racing full Iron distance is
generally best left to once a season (or longer). Whether or not you are at risk for
overracing depends quite a bit on the intensity of the race. Again, the coach and the athlete need to work
together to avoid too many back to back hard efforts without proper rest in
between. Runners and triathletes tend
to be a very committed group. We enjoy
training and competition. Some of us
even live for training and competition.
The key is to find balance so racing and training can be a lifelong
endeavor. Work with your closely with
your coach. Keep diligent training
logs. Take a step back and look at your
previous race history in regards to injury and mental attitude. What correlations do you see? Look at your best races (PRs in
particular). How much were you training
and racing? Taking time to look at the
past experience bigger picture will help avoid overracing in the future. Being honest with yourself and your coach is
key. The goal is to stay healthy and
happy so running and triathlon can be a lifelong journey.
Be Healthy. Train Smart. Have Fun.
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